Welcome to Bouchercon, the World Mystery Convention
Grant Program
A new Bouchercon Grant Program (BGP) has been created to assist fans and writers of the mystery genre by offering a financial subsidy. This subsidy addresses registration fees and associated costs needed to attend and participate in a current annual Bouchercon convention.
One of the richest and greatest benefits of attending a Bouchercon convention is participation as a volunteer. The opportunity to have one-on-one contact with: fellow mystery buffs, high profile authors, Guests of Honor and industry professionals, is a side treat that adds to the experience that is Bouchercon. Subsidy recipients will be required to volunteer for no less than four hours.
The BGA Program includes a paid registration fee and reimbursement for up to Five-Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
Who May Apply?
A. Anyone who will be attending the next upcoming Bouchercon convention, and
B. Anyone willing to contribute up to four hours of volunteering during the eligible convention.
What is the Financial Assistance Offered?
1. The registration fee is waived.
2. Travel and lodging costs are reimbursed up to $500.00 for up to five awardees.
3. Awardees will be sent a reimbursement check within seven business days at the conclusion of Bouchercon and after receipts have been scanned/mailed to the Bouchercon Treasurer.
- 300 to 500 word essay on the applicant’s interest in attending Bouchercon, and in the mystery genre;
- Past Bouchercons attended;
- The BGA will be awarded on the basis of strength and clarity of the essay, and interest in the crime/mystery genre.
- A panel (not associated with the Board or the Local Organizing Committee), will be comprised of one each of three persons: a fan, an author and an industry professional. They shall judge submittals and make the determination.
Deadline: Send applications to bouchercon@bouchercon.com no later than May 1st, 2023.
Grants will be announced on June 1st, 2025.